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Think You Don't Need Video For Your Business? Here Are 3 Reasons Why You Do.

Jillian Mele Skill Studio
Jillian Mele Filming for Skill Studio


There is nothing worse than having a business and having people not know what you do!  Video is a great way to inform through storytelling. A lot of businesses have what is called a sizzle reel on their website.  A size reel is a video put together that is typically 60 seconds or less, and it lays out exactly who you are and what you are doing.  It has an interview or interviews with the business owner or a few people from the executive team.  Some might even include videos from clients as testimonials.  They typically include broll to keep it moving. Think of it as a highlight reel to draw people in who come to visit your website.  


Utilizing video can also expand your reach online.  A sizzle reel (or other videos) can be shared on YouTube, for example.   If you are filming other video content for your business for platforms like social media, they have the opportunity to be shared well beyond your audience, thus expanding your reach beyond what you thought possible. Plus, sometimes businesses can get media attention from a video that has gone viral.  


The more you show up in front of a camera, the more comfortable you will be.  Being on camera is a pain point for so many people but the world revolves around content these days!  So, it is a win/win.  If you are getting in front of the camera on a regular basis, if the time comes for you to be interviewed by the media, you will be more comfortable.  And if you are on video regularly, that is more content that you have to post to various platforms to expand your reach.

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