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Some People Argue Against MBA's, Here's Why I Argue For Them.

I’ll be honest, I get a little frustrated when I see people making a case for why others should not go back to school and further educate themselves.  I get it, college is not for everyone, and graduate degrees are not for everyone, but what I don’t get is people advocating against it- and yes, these people exist. 


Here’s the thing, I went back to graduate school at age 38 and got my MBA at age 41.  I did it one class at a time for 3 years while working full-time, leaving a career, and starting a business. It was the most challenging 3 years of my life, but I cannot even begin to measure what I gained from that experience and describe how truly beneficial it was.  It is hands down, the best thing I ever did for myself.  Does that mean it is for you?  No.  But I would never try to tell you that you should not do something that can potentially help and benefit you. It’s up to you to decide what is best for you.  

Jillian Mele Communications
Jillian Mele Graduating with an MBA from La Salle University in 2024


One of the arguments I have heard is that instead of spending the time in more school, get out there and start doing the work.  Again, I get it!  But my experience going through an MBA program was so valuable because it taught me things that I am using in my business today.  It also brought out a drive and confidence in me that I didn’t know I had.  I was always a very driven person, always a dedicated employee and a great worker but that was always for someone else, or for a company that I was working for. My MBA was for ME.  I worked hard to get all A’s for ME (except for one class- it still haunts me).  I wanted to do well and absorb as much as I could for ME.  When I look at that degree and what I pushed through and accomplished, it was for ME, and I am so proud of myself. It took me to a new level of self-pride, and I am forever grateful for the experience and to La Salle University.


If you want to go to school for an MBA- go!  If you don’t want to- don’t.  That decision is really none of my business, or anyone else’s to be honest. But what I am not a fan of is people trying to steer others away from things that could help them or even change their life for the better!

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